Publications by Helmut Berger - Overview

The Wilhelm Foissner Festschrift
A tribute to an outstanding protistologist on the occasion of his 60th birthday 
Erna AESCHT and Helmut BERGER (Editors)

Biologiezentrum des Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums
J.-W.-Kleinstrasse 73, 4040 Linz, Austria,

AESCHT Erna and BERGER Helmut (2008) (Editors): The Wilhelm Foissner Festschrift. A tribute to an outstanding protistologist on the occasion of his 60th birthday. - Denisia 23: 1-462. Hardcover. 27.5 x 21.0 x 2.5 cm, 1706 gram. ISSN 1608-8700 PDF (200 MB; for personal use only)

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AESCHT Erna and BERGER Helmut (2008) (Editors): The Wilhelm Foissner Festschrift. A tribute to an outstanding protistologist on the occasion of his 60th birthday. - Denisia 23: 1-462

Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis
(for individual PDFs
click here)

Aescht E. & Berger H.: Editoral 5 More information

Tabula Gratulatoria 7–8

Weisse T.: Wilhelm FOISSNER and the German Society for Protozoology 9

Lametschwandtner A.:
Wilhelm FOISSNER - ein Sechziger 11–13

Adam H.: Wilhelm FOISSNER zum Sechzigsten 14

Aescht E. & Berger H.: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilhelm FOISSNER - 60 years: biographical sketch and bibliography 15–46 More information

Foissner I.:
Wilhelm (Willi) FOISSNER: Studienzeit, reisen und sammeln 47–59

Bernatzky G. & Strickner S.:
Was kann und was leistet die Musiktherapie im Lichte der Evidence Based Medicine? 61–64

Berger H. & AL-Rasheid K.A.S.: Wilhelm FOISSNER: nomenclatural and taxonomic summary 1967–2007 65–124 More information

Aescht E.:
Annotated catalogue of "type material" of ciliates (Ciliophora) and some further protists at the Upper Austrian Museum in Linz, including a guideline for "typification" of species 125–234

Meisterfeld R.:
Bullinularia foissneri nov. sp. (Amoebozoa, Arcellinida) from Australia and synopsis of the genus Bullinularia 235–241

Schönborn W. & Badewitz H.-J.:
Critical notes on the genus Frenzelina PENARD, 1902 (Protozoa, Testaceafilosia) 243–249

Fokin S.:
Rediscovery and characterisation of Frontonia fusca (QUENNERSTEDT, 1869) KAHL, 1931 (Ciliophora, Peniculia) 251–259

Agatha S.:
Redescription of the tintinnid ciliate Tintinnopsis fimbriata MEUNIER, 1919 (Spirotricha, Choreotrichida) from coastal waters of Northern Germany 261–272

Xu D., Sun P., Song W. & Warren A.: S
tudies on a new endocommensal ciliate, Strombidium foissneri nov. sp. (Ciliophora, Oligotrichida), from the intestine of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus (Camarodonta, Echinoida) 273–278

Sonntag B., Strüder-Kypke M. & Summerer M.:
Uroleptus willii nov. sp., a euplanktonic freshwater ciliate (Dorsomarginalia, Spirotrichea, Ciliophora) with algal symbionts: morphological description including phylogenetic data of the small subunit rRNA gene sequence and ecological notes 279–288

Voss H.-J.:
Divisional morphogenesis of Notohymena australis (FOISSNER & O'DONOGHUE, 1990) BERGER, 1999 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida, Oxytrichidae) 289–295

Weisse T.:
The meaning of protist diversity: ecology meets taxonomy 297–306

Görtz H.D.:
Towards an understanding of the distribution, dynamics and ecological significance of bacterial symbioses in protists 307–311

Walochnik J. & Aspöck H.:
Humanpathogene Protozoen im und am Wasser 313–330

Boenigk J.:
Nanoflagellates: functional groups and intraspecific variation 331–335

Blatterer H.:
Umfassende Zusammenschau von Freiland-Erkenntnissen über Fließgewässer-Ciliaten (Protozoa, Ciliophora) 337–359

Ettl M.:
Protistenkunde in der Abwassertechnik - Anwendung der FOISSNERschen Forschungsarbeiten im umwelttechnischen Arbeitsleben 361–363

Müller H.:
The remarkable story of the "Viecherl" Balanion planctonicum (Ciliophora, Prostomatida) 365–370

Guhl A. & Hausmann K.:
Nahrungserwerb und Nahrungsaufnahme beim Ciliaten Didinium nasutum - Rasterelektronenmikroskopische Ergänzungen 371–381

Wilks S.A. & Sleigh M.:
Feeding by Euplotes mutabilis (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) 383–388

Dunthorn M. & Katz L.:
Richness of morphological hypotheses in ciliate systematics allows for detailed assessment of homology and comparisons with gene trees 389–394

Clamp J.C., Bradbury P.C., Strüder-Kypke M. & Lynn D.H.:
Phylogenetic position of the apostome ciliates (Phylum Ciliophora, Subclass Apostomatia) tested using small subunit rRNA gene sequences 395–402

Schmidt S.L., Bernhard D. & Schlegel M.:
Die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen innerhalb der Stylonychinae BERGER & FOISSNER, 1997 (Spirotrichea, Stichotrichia, Oxytrichidae) rekonstruiert mit Sequenzen der 18S rDNA 403–409

Achilles-Day U.E.M., Pröschold T. & Day J.G.:
Phylogenetic position of the freshwater ciliate Euplotes daidaleos within the family of Euplotidae, obtained from small subunit rDNA gene sequence 411–416

Strüder-Kypke M. & Lynn D.H.:
Morphological versus molecular data - Phylogeny of tintinnid ciliates (Ciliophora, Choreotrichia) inferred from small subunit rRNA gene sequences 417–424

Systematic Index 425–462 (


Biologiezentrum (Linz, Upper Austria)
Publisher Helmut Berger, Salzburg
Publication list of Helmut Berger

© Berger Helmut, Consulting Engineering Office for Ecology, Radetzkystrasse 10, 5020 Salzburg, Austria;
Last update: 2008.08.09