Abstract 4
Investigated species - Lobosia:
Centropyxis aerophila var. sphagnicola, C. elongata,
C. orbicularis, C. sylvatica, Cyclopyxis eurystoma,
Difflugia lucida, Difflugiella oviformis, Hyalosphenia
subflava, Nebela parvula, N. tincta, Phryganella
acropdia, Plagiopyxis declivis, and Trigonopyxis
arcula. Filosia: Assulina seminulum, Corythion
dubium, Euglypha cristata, E. rotunda, E.
strigosa, Pseudodifflugia fascicularis, Schoenbornia
humicola, S. viscicula, Trinema complanatum,
T. enchelys, T. lineare, and T. penardi.
From the parameters measured were calculated: extreme values,
arithmetic mean, median, standard deviation, and coefficient
of variation (V). Comparison of the V in all species shows the
least variation in the shell length, whereas pseudostom measurements
yield the highest V. The V is generally higher in the Filosia
and in shells consisting of idiosomes than in the Lobosia and
in shells made of xenosomes. Pairwise multiple comparison of
2 populations of both T. enchelys and T. lineare
show significant differences of each population of one species
to each population of the other species in shell length, width,
and height (p=0.1). Silver staining of S. humicola indicates
that the test is built up, at least partially, of shell plates
of Corythion, Trinema, and Tracheleuglypha.
Most specimens of our poplations of S. viscicula and E.
cristata are slightly compressed laterally, which disagrees
with SCHOENBORN`s and LEIDY`s original descriptions. The number
of nucleoli was studied in 12 species. Contrary to earlier data,
the nuclei of P. fascicularis and E. strigosa possess
onley 1 nucleolus. Additional SEM investigations are in progress.
Keywords: Bodenbiologie, Boden, Biologie, soil science, Protozoa, Protista, Testate Amoeba, amoebas, beschalte Amöben, morphometry, biometry, Biometrie, Austria, Aurope, statistics Dr Helmut BERGER Consulting Engineering Office for Ecology - Technisches Büro für Ökologie Radetzkystrasse 10, 5020 Salzburg, Austria, Europe Phone +43-(0)662-432538; Fax +43-(0)662-443139; email office@protozoology.com; http://www.protozoology.com |