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Abstract 29

How to cite the abstract:
Schmidt S.L., Bernhard D., Foissner W., Berger H., Schlegel M. (2004): Phylogenetic analysis within the class Spirotrichea (Ciliophora) inferred from small subunit (ssu) rDNA. - 97. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, May 31 to June 4, 2004, Rostock. Abstract V-S1.3

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Keywords: Ciliophora, Hypotrichia, Holosticha, Hyptrochida, DNA, RNA, ssurna, ssudna, molecular biology, Molekularbiologie, ciliophora, ciliates, Ziliaten, evolution, phylogeny, Spirotricha, Spirotrichea, Stichotrichida, Stichotrichous, sequence,


Dr Helmut BERGER
Consulting Engineering Office for Ecology - Technisches Büro für Ökologie
Radetzkystrasse 10, 5020 Salzburg, Austria, Europe
Phone +43-(0)662-432538; Fax +43-(0)662-443139; email office@protozoology.com; http://www.protozoology.com