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Paper 48

How to cite the paper:

Dunthorn M., Lipps J.H., Dolan J.R., Saab M.A.-A., Aescht E., Bachy C., Barría de Cao M.S., Berger H., Bourland W.A., Choi J.K., Clamp J., Doherty M., Gao F., Gentekaki E., Gong J., Hu X., Huang J., Kamiyama T., Johnson M.D., Kammerlander B., Kim S.Y., Kim Y.-O., Terza A., Laval-Peuto M., Lipscomb D., Lobban C.S., Long H., Luporini P., Lynn D.H., Macek M., Mansergh R.I., Martín-Cereceda M.,McManus G.G., Montagnes .J.S., Ong'ondo G.O., Patterson D.J., Pérez-Uz B., Quintela-Alonso P., Safi L.S.L., Santoferrara L.F., Sonntag B., Song W., Stoeck T., Stoecker D.K., Strüder-Kypke M.C., Trautmann I., Utz L.R.P., Vallesi A., Vd'acny P., Warren A., Weisse T., Wickham S.A., Yi Z., Zhang W., Zhan Z., Zufall R., Agatha S. (2015): Ciliates - Protists with complex morphologies and ambiguous early fossil record. - Marine Micropaleontology, 119, 1-6.


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Keywords: ciliophora, paleontology, taxonomy


Dr Helmut BERGER
Consulting Engineering Office for Ecology - Technisches Büro für Ökologie
Radetzkystrasse 10, 5020 Salzburg, Austria, Europe
Phone +43-(0)662-432538; Fax +43-(0)662-443139; email office@protozoology.com; http://www.protozoology.com