Taxonomische und ökologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems. Band III: Hymenostomata, Prostomatida, Nassulida
Wilhelm FOISSNER, Helmut BERGER, and Fritz KOHMANN

Bayerisches Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft
Wasserwirtschaftsamt Deggendorf, Detterstraße 20, 94469 Deggendorf, Germany

FOISSNER Wilhelm, BERGER Helmut, and KOHMANN Fritz (1994): Taxonomische und ökologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems. Band III: Hymenostomata, Prostomatida, Nassulida. - Informationsberichte des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Wasserwirtschaft, 1/94: 1-548, 1617 figures, 80 tables. Ring binder; 31.0 x 27.5 x 5.5 cm; about 3000 gram.

ISSN 0176-4217 · ISBN 3-930253-59-3

PDF (340 MB) For personal use only!

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Taxonomische und ökologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems. Band III: Hymenostomata, Prostomatida, Nassulida by Foissner, Berger and Kohmann - Bayerisches Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft - 1994

Ciliate Atlas (overview) About this book
Limnetic Plankton Ciliates Publication list of Helmut Berger

About this book
Our ciliate atlas comprises 4 volumes with about 500 pages each and describes in detail the morphology and ecology of about 320 species listed by Sladecek et al. (1981) as indicators of water quality. Many ciliates are valuable indicators of organic pollution because they are confined to 1 or 2 saprobic zones. Furthermore, their morphology is well know enabling a reliable identification from life. Each species is described monographically, including a list of important synonyms, a discussion of nomenclature and taxonomy, a differential diagnosis, and a comparison with similar taxa. The ecology section treats the occurrence and geographical distribution, the autecology, and the saprobiological classification. This section is followed by line drawings, light micrographs of living and silver prepared specimens, and scanning electron micrographs. Vol. I treats the Cyrtophorida, the Oligotrichida, the Hypotrichia, and the Colpodea; Vol. II the Pertrichia, the Heterotrichida, and the Odontostomatida; Vol. III the Hymenostomatida, the Prostomatida, and the Nassulida; and Vol. IV (in press) the Karyorelictida, the Haptorida, the Pleurostomatida, and the Suctorida. A speciality of Volume III is the detailed compilation of toxicological and ecological data from the widely distributed genera Paramecium and Tetrahymena. This should provide the user with background data to assess the effects of many hazardous substances common in aquatic ecosystems. Supported by the Österreichischen FWF (Projekt P8924-Bio) and the Bayerisches LAWA.
Berger H. and Foissner W. (1995): The ciliate atlas: volume III available now! - J. Euk. Microbiol. Suppl. 42 (3): 3A, Abstract 11.


Genera and higher taxa treated: Hymenostomata, Dexiostoma, Colpidium, Paracolpidium, Tetrahymena, Glaucoma, Epenardia, Ophryoglena, Paramecium, Frontonia, Disematostoma, Urocentrum, Marituja, Stokesia, Lembadion, Philasterides, Uronema, Kahlilembus, Dexiotricha, Loxocephalus, Cinetochilum, Platynematum, Sathrophilus, Dexiotrichides, Urozona, Pseudocohnilembus, Pleuronema, Calyptotricha, Ctedoctema, Cyclidium, Prostomatida, Apsiktrata, Apsiktratidae, Holophrya, Prorodon, Urotricha, Balanion, Plagiocampa, Placus, Coleps, Bursellopsis, Trimyema, Nassulida, Zosterodasys, Chilodontopsis, Nassulopsis, Nassula, Obertrumia, Leptopharynx, Pseudomicrothorax, Drepanomonas, Microthorax, Hexotricha
Additional keywords: abundance, abundance, adaptation, Alveolata, Aufwuchs, Austria, Bach, Bavaria, Benthal, benthic, benthisch, benthos, Bestimmng, Bibliographie, bibliography, Biofilm, biodiversity, biomass, biometry, brook, Buck, Ciliaten, ciliates, Ciliates, Ciliophora, community, contractile vacuole, cortex, cortical granules, counting, cyst, determination, Diversität, diversity, dominance, Dominanz, ecology, Elektronenmikroskopie, euplanktonic, Europe, Fliessgewässer, Fließgewässer, Fluß, Fluss, frequency, Frequenz, freshwater, fresh, Geographie, geography, Germany, Gewässer, Gewässeranalyse, Gewässergüte, guide, identification, index, key, Konstanz, lake, limnetic, Limnologie, limnology, Literatur, literature, literature, macronucleus, Makronucleus, Marvan, method, micronucleus, Mondsee, monograph, movement, nomenclature, Nomenklatur, nutrition, Ökologie, Önorm, Pantle, parasite, parasitism, plancton, plankton, planktonic, pond, Präsenz, production, Produktivität, productivity, Protargol, protist, Protista, Protozoa, resting cyst, review, revision, running water, Salzburg, sampling, saprobic system, Saprobität, saprobity, See, species concept, species, standard, stream, systematics, Süsswasser, Süßwasser, Systematik, Tümpel, Upper Austria, water quality, Wimpertierchen, Zelinka, Ziliaten, zooplankton


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